Artistic Annie Doll free crochet

Artistic Annie Doll free crochet from Redheart yarns.

A true multi-crafter who tries everything, Annie loves to “make.” She knits, crochets and gets inspired by new techniques. Crochet her from head to toe, including her undergarments and shoes, and then create her dress, mobius scarf A true multi-crafter who tries everything, Annie loves to “make.” She knits, crochets.

Required Supplies:
RED HEART® Super Saver®: 1 skein each 313 Aran A, 312 Black B, 530 Orchid C, 718 Shocking Pink D, 356 Amethyst E, 256 Carrot F and 406 Medium Thyme G
Crochet Hook: 4mm [US G-6]
Yarn needle
Additional Supplies Needed:
Stuffing; 7″ piece of heavy cardboard; Four small beads (for earrings); Heavy-duty sewing thread; ¾-1″ button (for bag); Red crayon (to shade cheeks)

Artistic Annie Doll free crochet

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