Green Crochet Blanket Inspiration

Inspiration for green color schemes for crochet blankets!

Let’s start with this green tea block by gisoo.crochet. Green looks great combined with navy, white and splashes of red, yellow and pink.

green color scheme crochet square
green color scheme crochet square

Green gradient of squares with white crochet blanket by crochet_textile_colour.

Gradient green granny square crochet blanket

Bright green with yellow and white, love the sunflower smiling squares! Via jenoelleboutique.

Bright green with yellow and white crochet granny square blanket

The following two amazing crochet blankets are by nelly____oo. Granny square blanket in green and blue with pastel yellow and purples.

Granny square blanket in green and blue

Muted greens and purples are always a winning combination.

green and purple hexagon crochet blanket color scheme

Green borders around the grannies in this wonderful blanket by curlyjointhegarden.

green granny square blanket pattern

Another green granny square blanket with rainbows inside. Via thecrochetcottage.

green crochet blanket with flower squares

Crochet granny square with varying green shades of yarn. Via __orgusanati__.

Green crochet blanket with granny squares

Green crochet granny square blanket.

green crochet granny square blanket

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