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Round doily lesson crochet

Round doily lesson crochet.

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1 thought on “Round doily lesson crochet”

  1. Phenomenal. Love, love, love. You tempt me to return to crohcet with this one. I remember my first and last doily. It was going beautifully until I reached a row where I couldn’t make sense of the instructions. It was in those long ago days when I was so new to needlework that it never dawned on me that there might be a MISTAKE in the pattern and that I should search for an errata on-line. Or maybe go to a local shop where someone might now how to help me. What did I do? Frogged it and forgot about it. Now I find myself being drawn into the whole lace wormhole even considering learning to tat. Pardon me while I go check myself for fever.

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