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Vintage Flower Shaped Doily Crochet Pattern

vintage doily pattern

Vintage Flower Shaped Doily Pattern. Lily Design Book No 76 Doilies.


DAISY Mercerized Crochet Cotton, Art, 65, Size 20: 2 skeins White; or

Lily MERCROCHET Mercerized Crochet Cotton, Art. 161, Size 20: 3 balls White.

No. 12 Steel Crochet Hook. SIZE — 17 inches.

Doily Pattern

Starting in center, ch 9, join with sl st to form ring.

Rnd 1: Ch 1, 16 sc in ring, join to Ist sc.

Rnd 2: Ch 1, sc in same st, (ch 5, sc in next sc) 15 times, ch 2, join with de in Ist sc.

Rnd 3: (Ch 3, sc in next lp) repeated around, ending with ch 1, hdc in end hdc of last rnd.

Rnd 4: Repeat Rnd 3 but make 8 incs (to inc make ch 3, sc in same lp with last sc), (24 Ips).

Rnds 5, 6 & 7: Repeat Rnd 3 for 3 rnds.

Rnds 8 & 9: Repeat Rnd 3 for 2 rnds but make ch4 Ips, ending with ch 2 and hdc.

Rnd 10: (Ch 4, sc in next lp) twice, * ch 11, sk 1 ch, sc in next 2 ch, on chain make 1 hde, 4 de, 1 hde and 1 sl st; (ch 10, sk 1 ch, on bal. of chain make 2 sc, 1 hde, 4 de, 1 hde and 1 sl st) twice; sk these 3 petals, sc around ch-1 stem, sc in same ch-4 lp on edge, (ch 4, sc in next Ip) 3 times; repeat from * around; end with ch 4, join to hdc at end of last rnd, sl st to center of 1st ch-4 lp.

Rnd 11: Ch 6, sc in tip of next petal, * (ch 11, sc in next petal) twice, ch 1, tr in center ch-4 lp between petal-groups, ch 1, sc in next petal; repeat from * around; join with ch 1, sl st in 5th st of ch-6.

Rnd 12: Ch 1, sc in same st, * (ch 3, sc in next sp, 5 ch-3 lps in same sp) ** twice, ch 3, sc in next tr; repeat from * around; end with ch 1, hdc in 1st se (for final lp).

Rnd 13: * Sc in 1st ch-3 Ip on next scallop, (ch 3, sc in next lp) repeated around to next angle; repeat from * around; end with ch 1, hde in end Ip (for final lp). **

Rnds 14, 15 & 16: Repeat Rnd 13 three times.

Rnd 17: ** Sc in next lp, (ch 3, sc in next lp) 4 times to center lp, ch 17, * sk 1 ch, sc in next 2 ch, hdc in next 2 ch, holding back the last lp of each st on hook make de in next 2 ch, Y O and draw thru all 3 Ips on hook at same time (Cluster), tr in next 2 ch, (tr in next 2 ch) made into a Cluster, tr in next ch, (de in next 2 ch) made into a Cluster, hde in next ch, sl st in next ch, * (ch 16, repeat from * to *) 4 times; sk these 5 petals, sc around ch-1 stem, sc in same ch-3 lp on edge, (ch 3, sc in next lp) 4 times; repeat from ** around; sl st in Ist sc.

Rnd 18: Ch 8, sc in next petal, * (ch 12, sc in next petal) 4 times, ch 1, dtr between 2 center Ips between petal-groups, ch 1, sc in next petal; repeat from * around; end with ch 1, join to 7th st of ch-8.

Rnd 19: Ch 1, sc in same st, (repeat Rnd 12 from * to ** 4 times, ch 3, sc in next dtr) repeated around; join to lst sc.

Rnd 20: * Sc in next 2 Ips, (ch 3, sc in next Ip) repeated around to 2d lp from angle, sc in end lp; repeat from * around; join to 1st sc.

Rnds 21 thru 25: Repeat Rnd 13 from * to ** for 5 rnds, ending final rnd with a ch-3 lp and sc instead of ch-1 and hdc; join to Ist sc.

Rnd 26: Ch 3, * sk 1 lp, de in next Ip, ch 5, tr in next lp, ch 5, dtr in next lp, ch 5, tr tr in next lp, (ch 5, long tr in next Ip) 7 times (to make a long tr, thread over 5 times and work off in twos as for tr tr); ch 5, tr tr in next lp, ch 5, dtr in next Ip, ch 5, tr in next Ip, ch 5, de in next lp, de in angle between next 2 lps; repeat from * around; join to 1st ch-3.

Rnd 27: 5 sc in next sp, in next 12 sps make a shell of 1 sc, 1 hdc, 3 de, 1 hdc and 1 sc; ** 5 sc in end sp, 5 sec in 1st sp on next scallop, sc, hde and 2 de (a half-shell) in half of next sp, ch 5, turn, sl st in center dc of next shell, ch 1, turn, 5 sc on ch-5 bar, sl st in last de on half-shell, complete shell with 1 de, 1 hde and 1 sc; a half-shell in next sp, ch 5, turn, (tr, ch 5, tr) in center sc on 5-sc bar, ch 5, sl st in center de of next shell; ch 1, turn, a shell in Ist sp, a half-shell in next sp, ch 20, * sk 1 ch, sc in next 2 ch, hde in next 2 ch, (de in next 2 ch) made into a Cluster, dc in next ch, tr in next 2 ch, (tr in next 2 ch) made into a Cluster, tr in next 2 ch, de in next ch, (de in next 2 ch) made into a Cluster, hdc in next ch, sl st in next ch; ch 19 and repeat from * thru 5th petal, sk 5 petals, sc around ch-1 stem, sl st in last ac on half-shell, complete shell with dc, hdc and sc; shell in next sp, sl st in last de on next half-shell, complete shell, shell in next sp, half-shell in next sp; ch 7, turn, sc in 1st petal, (ch 12, se in next petal) 4 times, ch 7, sk 1 shell, sl st in next shell; ch 1, turn, 8 sc in Ist sp, sc in next sc, (14 se in next sp, sc in next sc) 4 times, 8 sc in next sp, sl st in last de of half-shell, complete shell, a shell in next sp, half-shell in next sp; ch 6, turn, sk 3 sc on scallop, tr tr in next sc, (ch 6, sk 4 sc, tr tr in next sc) 7 times to center sc, ch 6, tr tr in same sc, (ch 6, sk 4 sc, tr tr in next sc) 7 times, ch 6, sk 1 shell, sl st in next shell; turn, sc in 1st sp, (ch 3, sc, twice in same sp, ch 3, sc in next sp) 16 times, ch 3, sc in same sp, ch 3, sl st in last de of halfshell, complete shell, sc in long tr between sps, a shell in next 6 sps; repeat from ** around; to make 8th scallop, sl st to center of lst shell and make ch-5 and 5 sc bar; sl st to center of next shell, make 3-shell bar with 5-petal group; sl st to center of next 2d shell and work ch-sps around and sc back; sl st to center of next 2d shell and work chsps and tr tr around, with ch-3 lps back; sl st to sc in long tr between scallops.

Rnd 28: Ch 4, * sc in next ch-3 lp, (ch 3, sc in next lp) repeated around to next angle, ch 1, de in sc between shells, ch 1 and repeat from * around; join with ch 1, sl st in 3d st of ch-4.

Rnds 29 & 30: Repeat Rnd 13 from *to ** twice.

Rnds 31 & 32: Repeat Rnd 20 twice.

Rnds 33 & 34: Repeat Rnd 13 from * to ** twice, making final lp in Rnd 34 a ch-3 Ip instead of ch-1 and hde; sl st in 1st sc, sl st to 2d lp on next scallop. Rnd 35: Ch 9, * sk 1 lp, de in next lp, ch 6, sk 1 lp, tr in next Ip, ch 6, sk 1 lp, dtr in next Ip, ch 6, sk 1 lp, tr tr in next lp, ch 6, sk 1 lp, long tr in next lp, (ch 7, sk 1 lp, long tr in next lp) 8 times, ch 6, sk 1 Ip, tr tr in next Ip, ch 6, sk 1 Ip, dtr in next Ip, ch 6, sk 1 lp, tr in next Ip, (ch 6, sk 1 Ip, de in next lp) twice, sk end Ip, dc in 2d Ip on next scallop, ch 6, repeat from * around; join to 3d st of 1st ch-9.

Rnd 36: 6 sc in next sp, a large shell of 1 sc, 1 hdc, 1 de, 4 tr, 1 de, 1 hde and 1 sc in next 16 sps, * (6 sc in next sp) twice, a half-shell of 1 sc, 1 hde, 1 dc and 2 tr in next sp; ch 5, turn, sl st in 1st shell; ch 1, turn, 5 sc in ch-5 bar, sl st in last tr on halfshell, complete shell with 2 tr, 1 de, 1 hde and 1 sc; a half-shell in next sp, ch 6, turn, (dtr, ch 6, dtr) in center sc on 5-se bar, ch 6, sl st in next shell; ch 1, turn, a large shell in each sp, sl st in last tr on halfshell, complete shell with 2 tr, 1 dc, 1 hde and 1 sc; a large shell in next 14 sps; repeat from * around; to ecnnect 1st and last scallops, sl st to center of 1st shell and make ch-5 and 5-sc bar; sl st to center of next shell and make 3-shell connection. Fasten off. Stretch and pin Centerpiece right-side-down in a true circle. Steam and press dry thru a cloth.

Vintage Flower Shaped Doily Crochet Pattern

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